Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At Public Prep, we are committed to directly addressing and being mindful of matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all interactions.



The Principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Are Integrated Into Everything We Do

Always Learning

Aligned with the NYC Department of Education's Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education strategy, our vision for DEI states that we will work intentionally to openly and directly address and be mindful of diversity, equity, and inclusion in interactions across stakeholders. We will acknowledge the power we hold as individuals and seek to understand how that impacts our work.

Understanding Identity & Intersectionality

We understand how race, gender, age, religion, identity, experience, and other social identities often intersect. Our commitment to inclusion drives us every day to truly understand the intersectionality between these identities.

We will support our leaders and staff in: using challenging teaching methods that honor students' diversity, employing staff with high expectations for all students, examining their own beliefs around identity while giving professional learning and support, and building relationships with students.



We call our students scholars for a reason. Public Prep instills in all of our scholars how important and fun it is to learn new things every day.



We prepare every scholar to realize their inherent greatness. We instill in all scholars that they can achieve great things and define excellence for themselves no matter their age.



Our educators lead by example and work collaboratively in support of our scholars. In turn, a community wraps around our scholars and they are supported to encourage, support, and look out for one another.



We believe our scholars must be true to their word and stand up for what's right. They are supported to do so and we push them to always be honest with themselves and others.

Greetings From Our Managing Director of Schools

" Recognizing the power of a single-gender education, offering this tuition-free opportunity to our Bronx community gives me a profound sense of purpose. Our results demonstrate that we are not just educating; we are transforming lives and building a legacy of change rooted in love, support, and the unyielding belief in what our children can achieve. "

Shanice E. Adams

Managing Director of Schools, Public Prep Network

Shanice Adams-min


Driving Our Commitment to DEI

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are foundational values of Public Prep. We know successful DEI starts at the top and with a true dedication to making Public Prep an actively anti-racist and culturally inclusive organization.

20231002_PP_GPBXE_1157 (1)

Hiring & Promotion Statistics

of promotions

earned by POC employees.

of external network hires

identify as POC.

of Public Prep's management

team identify as POC.



Our Commitment to Anti-Racist Education.

We believe in taking action and understand that this work requires…

  • That we commit to intentional inclusion of learners across race, gender, age, religion, identity, experience, and other social identities-and strive to understand how those identities connect and overlap.
  • That even though we may come to this work from different places, we work intentionally to move together in the same direction on behalf of our scholars.
  • That we understand our job is to light pathways that our scholars will follow. Keeping scholars motivated, curious, and proud with celebrations of their history, culture, and contributions to our community.
  • Unwavering commitment to the promise and potential of every scholar and family.
  • That we never, under any circumstance, give up on a scholar or their family.
  • That we continue to examine our own beliefs and identities, as well as how our intersecting identities manifest for our scholars.



Explore Our Facilities and Meet With Staff During Your Visit.

The academic vision for PPN is defined by its rigorous curriculum and instructional delivery that is both engaging and culturally and historically responsive. By ensuring that a broad range of perspectives and diverse voices are represented throughout all contents, middle school students are guided to find their own voice through discourse, inquiry and authentic opportunities to apply their learnings.

" Public Prep is committed to our vision as an actively anti-racist organization. The Public Prep family stand in solidarity with those determined to end systemic racism and recommit to examining-with humility and diligence-how our own practices and agency can continue to be a force of change. "

Jeffrey Aler

Managing Director of Talent Operations & HR


Explore a Campus

We invite you to come meet us and learn more about our amazing schools!


Meet Deynie, Girls Prep Alumna

Deynie M. graduated from Girls Prep Lower East Side in 2017 as an Oliver Scholar, going on to attend Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School. While in high school, she was an active member of student government, leading a gender equity initiative focused on bringing awareness to the stigmas surrounding menstruation. She is currently a sophomore at Brandeis University where she is double majoring in Business and Health Policy. We are proud of you, Deynie!

"Girls Prep gave me the opportunity to fail in a safe environment. I learned to have confidence in my voice and to be an active member in my academic environment. It has given me lifelong friendships and a support system even as I moved on to other institutions. My teachers inspired me to think critically about the material presented and to advocate for myself."


How We're Committed to Community Engagement and Outreach

At Public Prep, we believe it takes a village to foster successful scholars. Our scholars are deeply connected to their roots and are committed to making positive contributions while showing up as their authentic selves. Community is one of our core values, and we actively engage with our community through initiatives like family workshops, community service projects, and educational partnerships. These efforts provide our scholars with enriching experiences, promote active family involvement, and strengthen bonds with the neighborhoods we serve.

Some of the ways we enrich the Bronx community:

Examples of our community engagement include our annual food and clothing drives led by our scholars to support local women’s shelters, STEM programming with leading engineering professors from Columbia University, and workshops with world-renowned performers from the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater.

Additionally, we host Advocacy Days where families meet with elected officials in Albany to lobby for the needs of their children, and our Mother and Son Dance, which honors mothers and mother figures with music, food, and community. By building strong relationships with local organizations and community members, we ensure our scholars have the support and opportunities they need to thrive academically and personally.


Your Donation Helps Fuel Public Prep's Commitment to DEI

We want to express our deepest thanks for your contribution. Thanks to community members like you taking action, we have access to resources and programming for initiatives that drive our commitment to DEI and ensure a culturally inclusive and responsive academic community.


Get Involved!

For tuition-free charters like Public Prep, community support makes a real, transformative impact.