
Public Prep Alumnae On Campus At Smith, NYU, Skidmore, and Wagner

Public Prep is comprised of three tuition-free single-sex public charter schools across five campuses.

26 min read

Public Prep has established multi-day, immersive partnerships with leading colleges and universities for current scholars and alumnae to demystify the college experience. During summer of 2018, our alumnae scholars had the privilege of attending programs at New York University, Smith College, Skidmore College, and Wagner College, just to name a few. They were exposed to topics including: photography, Java coding, 3D animation, robotics, drone development, writing, visual arts, and pre-med science. Click on the panels below to find out about each unique experience!

Jasmine and Lydia at Smith College - Summer 2018

Lydia shares her experience and then presents her final robots. Jasmine shares her experience building drones.

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Ariela at NYU - Summer 2018

Ariela attended the ID Tech program at NYU during the summer of 2017 where she first experienced some of the coding and digital art tools that she used this summer. She participated in three week long classes: Instagram Photography, 3D Animation, and Game Coding with Java. With each class students were asked to brainstorm an issue in society and use the tools that they learned in the class to represent something about that issue. Many students including Ariela, chose to use their resources to portray pollution in society. In the Instagram Photography class, Ariela photographed polluted areas in nature near to the NYU campus. In the 3D Animation class Ariela created a model of the ocean and the animals that exist in that ecosystem, and showed how environmental pollution can hurt the animals living in that ecosystem. In the Game Coding with Java class Ariela created an academic trivia quiz, with questions that will prompt a player to state facts that they should know about environmental pollution.

Ariela noted that this camp is available to students with varying levels of experience with the tools that she used. Her peers represented a wide range of ages. To support each students needs there was a lot of one on one time available for students to ask questions. There were pre-made games and activities to help students practice using the tools. All students were encouraged to independently track their development of their projects, and had until Friday (the last day of class for each session) to complete their projects before the Concept Café, when parents and friends could come see the project outcomes.

Students interested in the program should definitely learn coding, according to Ariela. She believes that being a coder is a respectable job, and that the act of coding is a good game for your brain. Additionally she commented that many students are already playing video games, watching television, and using Instagram at home, and she wants to encourage them to make something on their own.

Coding is cool because it helps you focus.


You may not be the best student in traditional math and science class, but this is another way to test your abilities. It is the type of activity that encourages you to focus because small mistakes can cause your game or website not to function at all and that is frustrating. Instead, you will be motivated to take your time and get the right outcome!

Ja'nai at Skidmore College - Summer 2018

Original art by Ja'nai Lawrence Girls Prep Alumna

Describe a “day in the life” for you during the summer program

I attended Skidmore Pre-college program this summer and I was a student in the studio art class. My first class of the day was painting and it began at 9:30 am. Each day in painting class was different and a new challenge that I was eager and excited to attack. We were exposed to many different painting genres. We would explore the campus grounds and paint nature, paint still life’s (inanimate objects) or painted nude models which was intriguing. Going to artist talks and visiting the Skidmore Art gallery was also incorporated in our art classes. Class ended at 12:30 pm and I had an hour for lunch. The cafeteria at Skidmore has a wide variety of food and provided different options every day.

My next class was drawing which began at 1:30 pm. My drawing class took a different approach every day. In the first two classes we didn’t even pick up a pencil, instead we built a structure out of objects in the class and had to use torn paper to represent them. We also did still life drawings in different mediums, drew models and even made clay heads. The classes ended at 5:25 pm and although the class was 5 hours long it felt like we never had enough time. I took a short break after class and I usually went to dinner around 6:00 pm. After dinner I would head back to the studio and work until 11:00 pm curfew, where I would always be in the company of all of my class mates. Finally back in my dorms I chatted with my friends or played games in the study rooms until our last curfew at 1:00 am in which we had to be inside our own rooms. On the weekends we had the choice to go on trips that program provided like six flags and bowling, or you could take the public transportation to explore outside the campus like the downtown Skidmore area, the mall or Walmart.

Describe the most memorable moment from the summer program

Honestly, I can’t pick just one memorable moment, there were few. The final gallery showcase, just the overall experience of being independent and the college experience, and being totally immersed in art.

Describe one challenge you faced during your time at the summer program and how you overcame that challenge.

One challenge I had was improving my work to a higher standard. My teachers would always say I could do better and push me to my limits. So I was always forced to dig deeper and not get discourage in my work.

Describe how attending Girls Prep helped prepare you for your success at the summer program

Girls prep has taught me discipline to finish deadlines and go beyond and above with my work. Being on time to school was an integral part of Girls Prep , and I was able to incorporate that in my college classes. I was also able to meet different students from not only New York but from different states and countries. I was able to make lifelong friendships and connection because Girls prep taught me the importance of sisterhood.

Share one piece of advice with someone attending the program next year to help them on their journey

One piece of advice I have for future scholars going to a program is, don’t be afraid to ask for help from teachers, RA’s, or even other students. Make sure to plan time for not only homework and studying but for breaks. Also choose a course you can be dedicated to!

Daisha and Kelia at Wagner College - Summer 2018

Public Prep secured two spots each year for three years in Wagner College’s Pre-Med and Science Pre-College Program. Two GPBXM alumnae, Daisha and Kelia, participated in this three-week interactive learning experience that mirrors a college level professional medical program. In addition to taking traditional classroom lectures, Daisha and Kelia partook in demonstrations, labs, simulators and had the opportunity to visit hospitals in the NYC metro area. After completing the program, they earned 2 units equivalent to 6 transfer credits at other similar institutions.

Kasey Molina at Georgetown University – Summer 2018

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