The Forum is an event series hosted by the Parent-Child Home Program, convened in conjunction with Public Prep, to raise awareness about the most effective and scalable ways to close the achievement gap – with a focus on early childhood solutions, including home visiting. Through the Forum, participants will engage, catalyze, and inspire interested parties to focus attention on “school readiness”, an issue often neglected in education reform discussions. The event series will cover a range of related topics including brain development, social-emotional skills, early literacy and numeracy, funding, and political and regulatory issues.
In the first session, Public Prep, the nation’s oldest and only non-profit network that exclusively develops exceptional, tuition-free PreK and single-sex elementary and middle public schools, and Parent-Child Home Program, the premier organization that conducts one-on-one home visits with under-resourced families to build literacy and learning-rich home environments, announced an unprecedented partnership to improve school readiness. Through the partnership, the unenrolled younger siblings of current Girls Prep and Boys Prep scholars who reside in the Bronx, will receive two years of twice-weekly home visits from a trained community-based early learning specialist.